
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives


At Bathampton Primary School we work to ensure that all children have access to a Maths curriculum which prepares them for life-long learning, acquiring knowledge and skills to take with them on their learning adventure.


Teachers use the White Rose Maths Curriculum to plan lessons - this is a research based scheme which incorporates the National Curriculum requirements for each year group. The Maths curriculum is taught in blocks throughout the year, allowing time to embed and broaden children’s understanding of each area of Maths, including number, calculation, fractions, geometry, measure and statistics.

At Bathampton, we actively plan for children to make connections in their learning, providing choice and challenge in enjoyable lessons to engage children to lead and flourish in the learning process. We aim for children to become fluent and confident in number facts demonstrating the ability to recall key facts with speed and accuracy.  Children work to apply their learnt skills and knowledge to solve mathematical problems and to reason mathematically, looking for relationships and generalisations to follow a line of enquiry. Children acquire a solid mathematical understanding through the use of concrete apparatus, pictorial representations and abstract or formal written methods to give them the best chances of mastering maths to solve problems and use in real-life situations.


Our Maths curriculum allows opportunities for children to demonstrate our school values by: showing teamwork, respect and kindness when working with others in a class, group or pair to listen to one another and share ideas and resources; working with resilience to learn key facts and overcome misconceptions and apply knowledge to solving problems; thinking with creativity and curiosity to solve problems using appropriate methods and materials.


Throughout our lessons, children are given the opportunity to listen to and articulate their mathematical thinking with others, developing their use of language and appropriate mathematical vocabulary. They learn to make connections with one another and the wider world to identify and develop their mathematical thinking and understanding to prepare them for the next stage of their learning adventure.

Doodle Maths

To support the teaching and learning of Maths in school, we use Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables for Maths homework. These apps, in partnership, build confidence and ability in maths by creating every child a personalised work programme tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. Using Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables for just 10 minutes a day is proven to help children make three months of progress in just one month! 


Doodle Tables replaces Times Table Rockstars for Years 2 to 6 and creates a safe space where learners are rewarded for their effort over ability, removing any anxieties they may have about times tables. Unlike other programmes, Doodle Tables doesn't just develop instant recall. It also helps children to understand the relationships between numbers, providing children with a solid foundation of understanding to build on in school.


Useful Links

Doodle Maths app

Doodle Tables app

Parent Dashboard

Parent Set up guide

Parent Presentation

